914/04 QIKANG ZHANG; JINGJING ZHOU; ZHENHONG WU; ZHONGMIN FU; XIAOQING MIAO [Study on the anti-tumour effect of “Shen Feng” J9311 propolis capsule]. Apiculture of China (2003) 54 (5) 4-6 [Ch, en, Bj] Apitherapy Inst., Fujian Agriculture and forestry Univ., Fujian, China. For S180 tumours, a dose of 0.6-4.8g propolis/kg was found to be effective for inhibition; for H22 tumours, rate of inhibition was quite similar at doses of 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2g/kg. [S180 = Mice Sarcoma Cells 180: A sarcoma (from the Greek ‘sarx’ meaning “flesh”) is a cancer that arises from transformed connective tissue cells] – KDP from WIKIPEDIA].